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Platen Printing Press

In Stan Knight's album 'Platen Printing Press', added 2009-11-09

Platen Printing Press  (Album)

In album 'Stan Knight', added 2011-05-02

Supermodelo Rotativa Automática
Meccanoland Collection Spanish Supermodel Manual "Automatic Printing Press" dated 1947

In Meccanoland's album 'Obsolete Parts', added 2011-10-08

Rotativa Automática
Meccanoland Collection Spanish Supermodel Manual "Automatic Printing Press" dated 1947

In Meccanoland's album 'Obsolete Parts', added 2011-10-08

Rotativa Automática
Meccanoland Collection Spanish Supermodel Manual "Automatic Printing Press" dated 1947, Parts backpage Note that No 135 Protractor card is still mentioned in the parts list

In Meccanoland's album 'Obsolete Parts', added 2011-10-08

Rare Spanish set of wooden rollers
Meccanoland Collection. Rare Spanish set of wooden rollers for the Spanish Supermodel Rotativa Automática "Automatic Printing Press"

In Meccanoland's album 'Obsolete Parts', added 2011-10-08

Stop cylinder press
A 1940 style printing press made of old and new Meccano

In album 'Jack.', added 2011-11-05

Other view of the same press
The delivery or output side

In album 'Jack.', added 2011-11-05

Old printingpress in full production
Made from modern meccano. many colors . Model of printing press I used to work many years ago.

In album 'Jack.', added 2012-02-02

Platten Printing Press  (Album)

In album 'Norman Peter Brown', added 2012-05-13

Platen Printing Press 2

In Norman Peter Brown's album 'Platten Printing Press', added 2012-05-13

Platen Printing Press 1
I was inspired to have a go at this particular model after reading an article entitled ‘My Return to Meccano’ by Stan Knight, which you can find on this site in the d...

In Norman Peter Brown's album 'Platten Printing Press', added 2012-05-13

Platen Printing Press 3

In Norman Peter Brown's album 'Platten Printing Press', added 2012-05-13

Cylinder Printing Press - John Bridger

In album 'SKEGEX 2012', added 2012-07-07

Cylinder Printing Press - John Bridger

In Rob Thompson's album 'MMG models at Skegex 2012', added 2012-07-10

Printing Press - Norman Brown

In Malcolm Hanson's album 'SKEGEX 2013', added 2013-07-05

Printing Press - Roger Burton

In Rob Thompson's album 'TIMS Meeting FEB 2014', added 2014-02-12

Printing Press - Roger Burton

In Rob Thompson's album '81st SBMC Meeting 12th April 2014', added 2014-04-15

Cylinder Printing Press - Charles Hatfield

In Rob Thompson's album 'Sheffield Kelham Island March 1990', added 2014-09-01

Printing Press - Rob Mitchell

In Rob Thompson's album 'Skegex 2015 - Photos by Malcolm Hanson', added 2015-07-05

Automatic Rotary Printing Press (Close up)- Adrian Browne

In Rob Thompson's album 'NMMG Meeting May 2016 - Photos taken by Bob Thompson', added 2016-05-22

Automatic Rotary Printing Press - Adrian Browne

In Rob Thompson's album 'NMMG Meeting May 2016 - Photos taken by Bob Thompson', added 2016-05-22

Rotary Printing Press  (Album)

In AdrianB's album 'Adrian Browne', added 2016-06-09

General view of rotary printing press
Original plans published in 1947 in Spanish only.

In AdrianB's album 'Rotary Printing Press', added 2016-06-09

Cylinder Printing Press Skegex 2012 BT.jpg

In Rob Thompson's album 'John Bridger's models', added 2016-07-23

Printing Machine by Keith Burston
This wonderful machine has a row of rubber stamps, one for each letter of the alphabet. To spell a person's name it picks up one stamp at a time, pressing it on the ink p...

In David Couch's album 'Arduino Models', added 2019-02-12

1992 - Printing press  (Album)

In Sebas's album 'Sebastià Atserias', added 2019-05-08

2014 - Printing press  (Album)

In Sebas's album 'Sebastià Atserias', added 2019-05-08

Heidelberg Platen Press  (Album)
The Heidelberg Platen Press has been developed in 1907 in Germany. Production ceased in 1985, but official sales went on upon 2010. A first attempt to construct a Meccano...

In album 'Meccano Kinematics', added 2020-07-06

Meccano Heidelberg Platen Press_print 21
After many attempts, print number 21 was the first reasonable print. The quality of the print is of course below every thinkable standard. The backside of the print has b...

In Meccano Kinematics's album 'Heidelberg Platen Press', added 2020-07-06

Spectators enjoy pressing this lever to drop the rod and let the train continue
Photo taken by Chris Shute

In Rob Thompson's album 'Tricky Track', added 2007-10-19

Press lever to drop rod

In Rob Thompson's album 'Tricky Track', added 2007-10-19

Late 50s outfit 3 box label, in good resolution and tidied up for printing

In album 'Light Red / Green outfits (1958-63)', added 2008-11-07

Norman Brown

In album 'Christmas Challenge 2008', added 2008-12-14

00 Manual (first sides)
The same Christchurch Meccano Club manual, formatted for printing on to A4 landscape paper to fold into an A5 booklet. This file contains one side of each sheet -- just ...

In Rob Thompson's album 'Meccano Instructions for 00+ NEW', added 2008-12-30

00 Manual (second sides)
The same Christchurch Meccano Club manual, formatted for printing on to A4 landscape paper to fold into an A5 booklet. This file contains the other side of each sheet --...

In Rob Thompson's album 'Meccano Instructions for 00+ NEW', added 2008-12-30

Dealer items - Meccano incl Showcards, Posters etc  (Album)
I am hooked on showcards and posters supplied to the dealerships.. or any Trade only materials. I have others in my collection in NZ but unfortunately did not photograph ...

In Andrew Horner's album 'Andrew Horner - hornera1971@gmail.com', added 2009-03-17

meccano notepaper-hires
sample of single page of small notepaper from the 1930-1932 sand colored small writing pad. Notice that the boy/cranes pic is shifted to the right. The small printing in ...

In Greg Rahn's album 'Meccano writing pad', added 2009-09-07

1920's electrical set
Set lid and view of lovely label. The small set box itself is aprox 6" x 9" x 1.5" deep to get an idea of it's size. The added banner rightly outlines that this set is an...

In Greg Rahn's album '1920's Electrical Set-#1 mint -2009', added 2009-09-15

Detail of Platen Press Inking Plate and Rollers

In Stan Knight's album 'Platen Printing Press', added 2009-11-09

Platen Press Side View

In Stan Knight's album 'Platen Printing Press', added 2009-11-09

Detail Platen Press Flywheel

In Stan Knight's album 'Platen Printing Press', added 2009-11-09

LH118 Lt. Field Gun
It is a bit more contemporary than my efforts for last years, which were of a foundry crane and a power press, this one is as near as I can get model of a 105 mm light fi...

In Peter Harwood's album 'Christmas Challenge 2009', added 2009-12-04

Hagglund BV 206 a Tracked Vehicle 2010  (Album)
A Hagglund BV 206 A BV 206 is a tracked articulated, all-terrain vehicle designed by Hagglunds of Sweden for the Swedish Army.( now part of BAE Systems) It consists ...

In album 'Stefan Tokarski', added 2009-12-18

Steam Engine seen from above
The steam flows fro the high pressure cylinder down right via the medium pressure cylinder in between to the low pressure cylinder top right.

In Norbert Klimmek's album 'RB03 Steam Engine', added 2010-01-14

Newspaper rotary printing machine
Spanish Meccano supermodel. It printed in two faces, cut, folded and piled small 4 page "newspapers" from a paper roll for cash register. Two special parts were added to ...

In antoni gual's album 'Documents, manuals, ads', added 2010-01-30

Spanish Meccano supermodel of the 1940's. It weaves a fabric wider and denser than the Binns Road models. It is achieved by two special parts added to the spare list, th...

In antoni gual's album 'Documents, manuals, ads', added 2010-01-30

RE Integration (3)
In its rightmost position the shifter shaft presses toward the round plate. So the connection of the chain wheel with the crossing pin is interrupted and the wheel is dis...

In Norbert Klimmek's album 'RB08 Command Bridge and Rudder Engine', added 2010-03-15

RE Integration (1)
First the shifter shaft, bearing three pinions, has to be assembled. A double bended strip embracing two of the three pinions carries a thick strip with a bevelled end. A...

In Norbert Klimmek's album 'RB08 Command Bridge and Rudder Engine', added 2010-03-15

Colonial Outfit 8 pre-war
Picture courtesy Tony Press

In album 'Blue / Gold outfits (1934-41)', added 2010-03-18

Colonial Outfit 8 pre-war - lower tray
Photo courtesy Tony Press

In album 'Blue / Gold outfits (1934-41)', added 2010-03-18

1951 manual outfits 7-8 without motors
In 1951 the No.2 Clockwork and EO20 Electric motors were withdrawn. The EO20 was of course reintroduced after only a short time.
Some 1951 printings of the manual...

In album 'Variations in Meccano manuals', added 2010-03-19

New Manual Models, 1952/3  (Album)
In 1951 the No.2 Clockwork motor was withdrawn. Some 1951 printings of the manuals included a notice pasted onto page 1, explaining that the No.2 motor was "not currently...

In album 'John Nuttall', added 2010-03-22

Double-acting steel press

In Roelf Valkema's album 'Dutch Meccano Guild Spring meeting 2010', added 2010-03-29

Double-acting steel press

In Roelf Valkema's album 'Dutch Meccano Guild Spring meeting 2010', added 2010-03-29

Double-acting steel press

In Roelf Valkema's album 'Dutch Meccano Guild Spring meeting 2010', added 2010-03-29

Theodolite protractor - suitable for printing
Cleaned up scan for printing out and making the model!

In album 'Miscellaneous scans', added 2010-04-14

Just a large size, fine mesh kitchen sieve. The best way to use it at the end of each stage of the barrelling process is to press the convex side against the open top of...

In Stephen Brook's album 'Cleaning parts by barrelling', added 2010-04-17

The boiler cap and pressure relief valve
This is a combo of a filler cap and a safety over pressure valve. This one still moves and is not caked up so I think this engine was not run very much...There is a fibre...

In Greg Rahn's album '1929 Steam Engine-April 2010 ', added 2010-04-22

Ready for printing
Black areas repaired, and background removed, this image will be printed onto the Waterslide paper.

In Stephen's album 'Waterslide Transfers for Aero model', added 2010-04-28

Ready for Printing
Black areas repaired, and background removed, this image will be printed onto the Waterslide paper.

In Stephen's album 'Waterslide Transfers for Aero model', added 2010-04-28

M215 1937 T20 transformer
Nice transformer with an interesting box. By 1937 transformers were generally sold without a plug whereas earlier they were sold with a plug for a light socket. This tran...

In album 'M numbered accessories', added 2010-05-15

Paddle Wheel Shaft
The flat parts are for the fixing studs of the wheels. The tight fit of the roller bearing hole and the axle doesn't allow to shift it when there are grub pressure marks ...

In Norbert Klimmek's album 'RB07 Engine and Paddle Wheels Integration', added 2010-05-29

display suggestion #1 from 1931 selling service book
This shows the 1929 type steam engine on the platform that Tony Press alerted us to. Its in the left hand bottom corner of picture.

In Greg Rahn's album '1929 steam engine Stuff', added 2010-09-18

Low Pressure Turbine
With this simplified model of a steam turbine the procedure of bringing heavy equipment onboard the ship can be simulated. On exhibitions usually children act as “marsh...

In Norbert Klimmek's album 'Liner ', added 2010-11-17

Clockwork Motor
The original is powered (just) by a clockwork motor - this is changed to allow the connection to the steam engine by moving the bevel gears so neither engages. Another c...

In Tony Brown's album 'Quayside Unloader', added 2010-12-05

1991 - L.N.E.R. High-Pressure ’No. 10000' Loco
The locomotive was motorised with the tender holding the battery box and PDU with universal coupling drive to the working valve gear.

Also on the tender, provision was...

In Rob Thompson's album 'A selection of models from Ralph Clark', added 2010-12-14

Power is supplied by a low geared 12v motor via a clutch made from a bossed half inch pulley fitted with a 452 tyre and pressed up against a part 27f multipurpose gear wh...

In Max Morris's album 'Camel Flying Circus', added 2010-12-20

2000 - South African Railways “Mallet” 2-6-6-0
The prototype was built by the North British Locomotive Company in 1912 to accommodate a large high-pressure boiler providing maximum power on the 3 foot 6 inch gauge tr...

In Rob Thompson's album 'A selection of models from Ralph Clark', added 2011-01-17

Model 1956/6
Printing Machine, Original dealer model photo from a Australian dealer

In Meccanoland's album 'Dealer models', added 2011-02-11

Manual, 1911-1913
Meccano Manual for the German Market Meccano G.m.b.H, Berlin C.2, Burgstrasse 28, Bürohaus Borse. Because in 1911 the co-operation with Weimar ended due to a dispute ab...

In Meccanoland's album 'German Manuals', added 2011-02-14

The Boy Who made a $1,000,000 With a toy. 1915
Meccanoland Collection Picture of the press department in the factory 141 pages. 6 full-page b/w photographs of the Meccano factory. In-text b/w illustrations throughout

In Meccanoland's album '1908-1921', added 2011-02-15

E2 a motor 2
Note the torsion spring centred on the small retaining screw - the free end of which puts pressure on the back of the brush. Quite an elegant arrangement and possibly un...

In NoirProfond2's album 'Side Frame Motors', added 2011-02-21

Early nut and bolt boxes
Now, these are the later tin boxes. The bottom three rows are all different - the top row are all duplicates. (Unfortunately ?) they are all sealed, so I don't know wha...

In NoirProfond2's album 'Eclectibles', added 2011-03-14

04-Manual dated Jan 1963
There may have been only this one printing of 25,000 of these manuals that did the entire run from 1963-69.

In Greg Rahn's album '1963 Elektrikit-nickel parts', added 2011-03-24

03-same 1963 manual
The manual did not change either. It had a print run of 25,000 in Jan of 1963 and this seemed like it lasted the entire set run? If there was another printing, it used th...

In Greg Rahn's album '1968 Elektrikit-zinc parts', added 2011-03-24

300 Working
One thing Meccano never made clear is that SML27 is not complete as they modelled a machine on the testing grounds at Lincoln. The conditions in India were incredibly dus...

In Tony Brown's album 'SML 27 Prototype', added 2011-04-01

06-sides are folded down
This forms a void in the bottom of the compartment so the bosses are not pushed back up thru the holes under shipping handling pressures.....

In Greg Rahn's album '1 Gears set Primer', added 2011-04-03

30-raised card
Again, the sides are folded to create the gap to take the pressure off the bosses during handling.

In Greg Rahn's album '1 Gears set Primer', added 2011-04-03

44-manual still the same
Manuals for this run include the printing code dates:258/10, 859/10, 260/15, 1160/10 and 361/10. It should be noted that the contents of the outfit B manual are different...

In Greg Rahn's album '1 Gears set Primer', added 2011-04-03

62-reinforcing needed
Looks like the cello wrapping process needed some more support so a piece of corragated cardboard is pressed into service!

In Greg Rahn's album '1 Gears set Primer', added 2011-04-03

73-closer look at sticker fix!
The sticker is pressed into service once again....

In Greg Rahn's album '1 Gears set Primer', added 2011-04-03

82-dating the boxes
Boxes of this era are easy to date. The date of the printing is on an end flap. eg. 41807 11-72 and 53784 5-75 are 2 that I have....

In Greg Rahn's album '1 Gears set Primer', added 2011-04-03

91-backs of the 3 versions of the 1970's gears manuals
This shows the printing marks of the 3 versions

In Greg Rahn's album '1 Gears set Primer', added 2011-04-03

1920-21 Meccano dealer advertising brochure
A rare early brochure aimed at dealers, detailing printing blocks, lantern slides, models and the early dealer cabinet. Undated, but price list matches manuals for 1920-...

In album 'Documents, Catalogues & Sales Brochures', added 2011-04-12

1934 Lighting Set printing label.jpg

In Jaap Wieman's album 'Older outfits, boxes', added 2011-04-24

Set6 4
Note the little wire X's which show where the worms are secured. Where the clips are not pressed completely flat, perhaps these are parts that have been off the card at ...

In NoirProfond2's album 'Set 6', added 2011-05-01

06-C3-green and C4 black as possibilities?
I have never seen the card of cord with green or black cord but lets leave the possibility! These examples are from Tony Press and he indicates the the last 2 are repos( ...

In Greg Rahn's album 'String Theory', added 2011-05-02

84-F1-B-French cord-blue/green?
Same as the red version of the 1920's and 30's. I have seen pictures of sets in the gallery with these hanks and the red ones insitu. These ones are from Tony Press.

In Greg Rahn's album 'String Theory', added 2011-05-07

83-F1-R-French cord-prewar-red
I guess we also have to include the French Meccano hanks of cord that crop up now and then in our collections too...This one is from the 1920's/30's and the distinction o...

In Greg Rahn's album 'String Theory', added 2011-05-07

This is an interesting anomaly, apparently unique to the US market - not a printing error. This same attribution is also found on the dealer cabinet labels of the era an...

In NoirProfond2's album 'Set 1X', added 2011-05-31

Windmill Display Model in Embassy Foyer
This photo was taken by Geoff Brown, and was used for publicity purposes in the local press, to advertise the SkegEx show.

The nuts and bolts are all wood, as ...

In Richard Payn's album 'SKEGEX 2011', added 2011-07-08

1923 Liverpool 110v Motor part 2  (Album)
Here are pictures of another example of this motor this time from Tony Press (many thanks). The end-on pictures here are revealing and Chris Graebe has some important ob...

In Malcolm Hanson's album 'Electric Motors', added 2011-07-09

Very strange 50t gear !
What does one make of this? A 50t 1-1/2" gear???? Possibly a large contrate that has not been pressed to shape? [I am very grateful to Richard Payn for this as well!]

In NoirProfond2's album 'Gears', added 2011-07-20

Part No. 19A
A confusion particular to the US market, or so it would appear: The spoked wheel without boss was the first part to get number 19A (known simply as a Wheel). Soon after...

In NoirProfond2's album '1915 U.S. Dealer Cabinet', added 2011-07-23

Henry Porter Vertical Press 1

In Rick Vine's album 'Auckland Meccano Guild 2011 08 Aug', added 2011-08-15

Henry Porter Vertical Press 2

In Rick Vine's album 'Auckland Meccano Guild 2011 08 Aug', added 2011-08-15

Hoisting Mechanism (3)
The 6 mm Ø drum axles are supported by brass sleves fixed by bushing clamps. Pressing the round button below (which is a knurled screw M3) releases the spring loaded rat...

In Norbert Klimmek's album 'Beam and Hoisting System', added 2011-09-11

Primus Printing Block
Presumably this was issued to dealers as a Primus advertising stamp. It appears to show a No. 4 Outfit.

In Gary Higgins's album 'Primus Engineering', added 2011-09-14

46a-newly discovered Type 5a gear set!
Thanks to the eagle eye of Andrew Lance, a new variety of gears set B has been uncovered. It is the top one in the picture. The standard Type 5 of late 1958-61 is on the ...

In Greg Rahn's album '1 Gears set Primer', added 2011-09-24

46ab-try again for a large picture! and the pic magically appears on the previous slide by magic?
Thanks to the eagle eye of Andrew Lance, a new variety of gears set B has been uncovered. It is the top one in the picture. The standard Type 5 of 1959-61 is on the botto...

In Greg Rahn's album '1 Gears set Primer', added 2011-09-26

1925 Brough Superior SS100
The SS100 was powered by a J.A.P. 980cc twin cylinder engine and fitted with Brough's patented "Castle" forks.
The model incorporates a three speed gear-box with the...

In Rob Thompson's album 'MMG 89th Meeting Baginton October 2011', added 2011-10-09

Teleboom 12 - extend mechanism
The guide rollers with chain construction is maintenance free, and needs only to be removed if I want to do a boom inspection. The pair of flanged rollers have two ball-b...

In Marc's album 'Liebherr LTM 1030 mobile crane parts', added 2011-11-13

Teleboom 10 - bottom view
The cylinder is a steel tube of 850 mm, 33,5" length and is mounted under the 2nd boom section. This isn't the preferred solution from an engineering point of view, thoug...

In Marc's album 'Liebherr LTM 1030 mobile crane parts', added 2011-11-13

Pricelist 1918 Meccano Marklin
Pricelist October 1918 Meccano Märklin Manual The price for a No 6H oufit was increased from Mk 260,- to Mk 280,-. The printing date of this manual without the updated ...

In Meccanoland's album 'German Manuals', added 2011-11-14

Pricelist 1919 Meccano Marklin
The price for a No 6H oufit was increased from Mk 340,- to Mk 375,- The printing date of this manual without the pink pricelist can be linked to a ad with a price of 340,...

In Meccanoland's album 'German Manuals', added 2011-11-14

016-Looks like pieces of meccano boxes
These are the compartments from an old meccano box pressed into duty to hold parts.

In Greg Rahn's album 'California #7 set-The Arrival-22/23 Nov 2011-album 2', added 2011-12-01

NWMG 1983/4 Whitehaven Exhibition  (Album)
John Anstey, who organised the exhibition wrote the following report after the event:

Frank Smith John Nuttall and I travelled up on friday night, having arranged to me...

In album 'John Nuttall', added 2011-12-01

050-all the literature displayed
all dated 1928 except the electrical manual. There were only 2 printings 1920 and 21. The #135 thodolite protractor card is a repo from MW models. Anyone got a spare orig...

In Greg Rahn's album 'California #7 Set-The final result-30 Nov 2011-Album 4', added 2011-12-01


In album 'Jack.', added 2011-12-02

03a-another view w/glass installed
Of course, the original glass is gone and would have been a beggar to ship anyways....I had a new piece cut to the appropriate size and one would be hard pressed to tell(...

In Greg Rahn's album '1929ish Dealer's Cabinet-My restoration', added 2011-12-11

Platen press with minder
Based on a model out of Meccano mag 1938. With the use of modern meccano mainly Mec. workshop and some other parts.

In album 'Jack.', added 2012-02-07

Same platen press as before
This time open ready to be fed with paper

In album 'Jack.', added 2012-02-07

No.1 Car Constructor made as 4-seat tourer
The instruction leaflet for the No.1 car constructor makes explicit mention of 4 different models that can be made with the outfit but the front of the leaflet shows a 5t...

In Malcolm Hanson's album 'Car Constructor', added 2012-06-05

Eric Taylor Crane
Now pressing on with plating the chassis. Also the machinery house temporarily installed to check the mesh of the slewing pinion. Construction has shifted from the loft r...

In Richard Payn's album 'Eric Taylor Giant Lorry Mounted Crane', added 2012-08-04

French 1954 #0 repro small parts box
All the required pieces for the #0 outfit are inside. Result after editing the template and printing, cutting, folding and glueing it.

In Rafa Garzón's album 'French 1954 Nº 0', added 2012-07-19

Steam Engine 1929 above
The only thing missing is the compression spring to keep the cylinder pressed against the steam block. The flywheel is has some fatigue but is still in one piece.

In Richard Payn's album '1929 Steam Engine', added 2012-07-31

1917 Inventor's Accessory Outfit
Despite only being available for about 7 years the contents of this outfit went through a number of changes. Here the 3" wheels are the early spoked type with no boss an...

In album 'Nickel outfits (1908-26)', added 2012-09-11

Trevithick High Pressure Steam Dredger Engine of 1806 - Brian Edwards

In Rob Thompson's album 'MMG 91st Meeting October 2012', added 2012-10-14

C1906/7 manual all sheets  (Album)
set of Scans arranged for printing a replica manual

They can then be printed on A4 paper in a double side colour laser printer, stapled on the spine, folded...

In Barry Gerdes's album 'Oddment Scans of manuals', added 2012-10-22

10-manual printing data
This particular printing shows it to be the 1st version in 1970. Dates the set to the 1st year anyways....There are 4 manuals in total.

In Greg Rahn's album '9 set-1970 last gasp!', added 2012-10-26

9-1st look inside!
The set had a large set of manuals. This is the 1st clue as to it's age. These will be shown to be the 1st printing. Nice and crisp and clean inside! All the trays are ce...

In Greg Rahn's album '9 set-1970 last gasp!', added 2012-10-26

1933-34 Elektron sets-First series   (Album)
This is a primer for first series of elektron sets introduced in the spring of 1933. Being pressured by their rivals in the toy industry, Meccano went head-long into othe...

In album 'Greg Rahn', added 2012-10-26

Bell 120A Forklift 2012  (Album)
This is a 1/8 Scale model of an Off-Road Forklift built in South Africa by Bell Africa, it has a lifting capacity of 2750 kg with a GVW of 4700 kg. It also has a big brot...

In album 'Stefan Tokarski', added 2012-11-12

Little Joe Loco (Tricky Track) - Chris Shute
By mounting the Powerdrive motor at an angle, the noisy, inefficient worm can be replaced with a small pinion driving a Contrate.
Battery life is also extended by a...

In Rob Thompson's album '69th SBMC Meeting 12th April 2008', added 2012-11-13

C1906 X-2 early manual  (Album)
This is the 2nd version of the X manual that I have. It is earlier than the other in this album and only has 6 models described. It has been arranged for printing on a la...

In Barry Gerdes's album 'Oddment Scans of manuals', added 2012-11-20

Trevithick High Pressure Steam Dredger Engine of 1806 - Oct 2012
Shown Oct 2012

In Rob Thompson's album 'Brian Edwards models New', added 2012-11-26

1920 No.6 Outfit Small Parts boxes
As far as I can tell this style of small parts box, with a picture bordered by grey strips with stars, was only available in 1920 and is a sort of hybrid of the earlier l...

In album 'Nickel outfits (1908-26)', added 2012-12-04

Paper, part 2
The Super Model leaflets, all US printing. Print references: Platform Scales, No. 7, O-0728/2; Bagatelle Table, No. 9, O-0728/2; Log Saw, no. 10, O-0728/1; Steam Engine,...

In kbisset's album 'US Meccano 1928 #6x outfit', added 2012-12-23

US Meccano Set 60
These well made boxes are 2-3/4" square by 1-5/16" deep (with the lid pressed down).

In NoirProfond2's album 'Set 60', added 2012-12-31

US Meccano Set 60
The pattern of chimney adapter, boiler end and propeller blade are of the earlier style compared to UK production. I think this is because the old UK press tools were se...

In NoirProfond2's album 'Set 60', added 2012-12-31

24-remains of guarantee label
Again the bulk of the label is missing but we can deduce from the label's printing info itself that this is probably an earlier set.

In Greg Rahn's album '1933-34 Elektron sets-First series ', added 2013-01-12

25- This complete set has both manuals
The manuals are quite striking in their art work and typical of the age.....The manuals are both 1st runs and dated May 1933 so adding to the evidence that this is an ear...

In Greg Rahn's album '1933-34 Elektron sets-First series ', added 2013-01-12

Elektron slip.jpg
The slip in the box lid - the spanner is there to keep it flat. The printing is very faint but looks like E 2 9 38 - and I know 38 seems very late for one of these big ...

In Tony Brown's album 'Elektron', added 2013-01-14

Dublo printing blocks
Always on the lookout for items to add to my collection. Must be original but condition not too important hornera1971@gmail.com 07918711782 (UK)

In Andrew Horner's album 'Printers Blocks', added 2013-01-19

Elektrikit 1.jpg
I bought c.15 of these (a long time ago now!) from the fondly remembered MW Models. This was also at a time when they sold used as well as new spares. Whilst the centr...

In NoirProfond2's album 'Elektrikit', added 2013-02-13

No. 10000 High Pressure Locomotive - Wilf Hicken (front view)

In Richard Payn's album 'NMMG Meeting May 1984', added 2013-03-18

No. 10000 High Pressure Locomotive - Wilf Hicken

In Richard Payn's album 'NMMG Meeting May 1984', added 2013-03-18

Ball Type Differential – 01
Detailed view. The correct function depends strongly on the parallelism of the two discs and the spring pressure. Due to the imperfections of this realization the transmi...

In Norbert Klimmek's album 'Mechanisms for the Public', added 2013-03-29

Penstock and turbine
The small tube projected from the right end of the dam, going to the turbine room, is the penstock, which supplies water under pressure to the turbine, for its functioning.

In Subrata's album 'Hydro-electric Power', added 2013-05-24

A brass Wheel without any Meccano stamp.
Until now i know just a steel pressed Wheel with only 6 holes. But a brass Wheel with 6 holes and without Meccano stamp its new for me.

In Meccano's album 'Meccano Sets and Parts', added 2013-08-24

The drivers side of the cylinder is far plainer. Also you can see the cross heads. There are two rods going forward to the cylinder from the controls - the righthand of ...

In Tony Brown's album 'Dragon', added 2013-09-12

Pressure Gauge.jpg
Another view of the footplate showing the pressure guage - the steam tap in the middle of the picture should be the steam supply to the injector on the back tank.

In Tony Brown's album 'Dragon', added 2013-09-14

Drill Press

In Brian W. Dawe's album 'Shopsmith', added 2013-09-24

Clutch mechanism in open position
The lever is not pressing against the two screw heads projecting form the contrate.

In Keith Burston's album 'PCB Holder', added 2013-10-08

Clutch mechanism in open position
A flat (non-meccano) spring between the two contrates holds them apart. The coupler is ortated to release the pressure on the contrate.

In Keith Burston's album 'PCB Holder', added 2013-10-08

Printing machine
Built by Paul Furness for the Sector Plate theme

In Richard Payn's album 'Laughton-en-le-Morthen - 19th October 2013', added 2013-10-23

Printing Machine Display Model - Jim Gamble

In Rob Thompson's album '80th SBMC Meeting 26th October 2013', added 2013-10-29

Printing Machine Display Model - Jim Gamble

In Rob Thompson's album '80th SBMC Meeting 26th October 2013', added 2013-10-29

special plates
These are the special plates I made to avoid bending my flexible plates, a modified low profile smoke deflector and wheel splash covers because triangular flexible plates...

In Barry Gerdes's album '1950 version of 4.4.0 ', added 2013-10-30

07-later pressed out notch on slide
This lug is embossed and the strongest of all!

In Greg Rahn's album 'digger buckets', added 2014-01-09

Ramp Mechanisms
The back of the truck is at the bottom of this photo. The lower handwheel (on the right, in relation to the photo) operates the two winding drums through a 3:1 reduction...

In Charlie Pack's album 'Automobile Transport Lorry', added 2014-01-17

Completed Model, right side
This model of a stage coach and horses from the 19th century American West was designed to function in an unsupervised museum or hobby show environment. For ease of setu...

In Charlie Pack's album 'Stage Coach and Horses from the American West', added 2014-01-23

Spanish part 105a for loom
The comb of the Spanish loom Supermodel took 60 of these thin spring steel parts, separed by thin pressed fiber washers, so the fabric it made was thicker than the Binns ...

In antoni gual's album 'Parts', added 2014-01-29

10-the original yellow lining paper.
This paper just floated off the strawboard so could be pressed and then set aside to be re-attached to the box as lining again after assembly.

In Greg Rahn's album '1939+ 8a Restoration', added 2014-02-16

14-parts are pressed flat
This is more of the box internal partitions and voids that have been pressed, etc.

In Greg Rahn's album '1939+ 8a Restoration', added 2014-02-16

15-the carton base-not a pretty sight!
The carton's base was mostly there and could be salvaged. One side needed a replacement piece but the rest just needed steamed and pressed. All of the original red outer ...

In Greg Rahn's album '1939+ 8a Restoration', added 2014-02-16

13-more carton innards to be ironed flat
The strawboard parts are all pressed/steamed and laid flat for a few hours. Then any parts are glued and replaced ready for re-assembly back into a carton!

In Greg Rahn's album '1939+ 8a Restoration', added 2014-02-16

28-roll-over of ends
Both the top and under neath are glued and rolled over and pressed flat using a wood stick. Corners are bunched and trimmed. Soon be ready for the top piece of paper...

In Greg Rahn's album '1939+ 8a Restoration', added 2014-02-16

Rim drive and clutch
The wheel is driven through a tyre engaging with the rim (in the right of the picture), this is mounted on a bogie with a compression spring keeping it in constant pressu...

In SteveB's album 'Ferris Wheel', added 2014-02-17

Mamod TE1a Traction Engine: Ploughing Winch Test Bed
This TE1a was used as the test bed for the ploughing drum winch. However, it could not be used for the actual steaming as the flywheel on this age of models is press fitt...

In TMS's album 'Meccano & Mamod Steam Engines/Models', added 2014-02-17

026-remnants of the label
The guarantee label was half there! It shows a label printing date a year earlier than the introduction of these sets so one could conclude this is an early set and they ...

In Greg Rahn's album 'mechanised army sets 1939-41', added 2014-03-08

Model 9.5 High Speed Press

In Mike Crump's album 'Meccano set 9½', added 2014-03-09

Roller for printer
This part was added to the Spanish parts list in the 50's. It was made specifically for the Supermodel "Rotativa" an automatic printing machine.It was given nr 168d. Ther...

In antoni gual's album 'Parts', added 2014-03-10

Mill and drill press
The left hand side of my man cave showing the Chester Champion mill and a Clarke drill press.

In 's album 'JefL's pictures', added 2014-03-10

Printing Machine - Roger Burton

In Rob Thompson's album 'MMG 94th Meeting March 2014', added 2014-03-30

Mec2014 - Chris Instone
A combination of a MEC1 chassis and cylinder/piston assembly fitted with the latest Mamod marine vertical boiler. The engine is gas fired and is fitted with a condensing ...

In Rob Thompson's album 'MMG 94th Meeting March 2014', added 2014-03-31

Printing Machine - Roger Burton

In Rob Thompson's album 'NMMG Meeting Oxton May 2014', added 2014-05-19

Outfit 3A: Flanged and Grooved Wheels
Märklin kept the flanged and grooved wheel #20 until 1999 when the production was stopped. Only the form of the holes and the boss had been modified through the years. F...

In Norbert Klimmek's album '1916 – 1918 Meccano-Märklin Outfit #6', added 2014-05-27

20 Flanged wheel standard-type boss Single Tapped
20 Flanged wheel, No pulley section, one-part pressing, 4 holes, standard-type boss, Single Tapped, o/a diam 1 3/8, 35 mm, ¼" 6.25mm flange, stamped circular Meccano thr...

In album 'Nick Smith', added 2014-06-02

Schmidt Offset Coupling
Used in the printing industry, machines can be kept running whilst adjustments are made. Can be out of alignment by about 2 1/2" in any direction. More triangular plates ...

In album 'Bob Duck', added 2014-06-07

Model 8.14 Power Press

In Mike Crump's album 'Meccano Set 8', added 2014-06-30

Schmidt Offset Coupling 011.jpg
Used in the printing industry. See The Meccano Library. This is my fourth version! You can use as many triangular plates as you want, within reason. The more plates the l...

In album 'Bob Duck', added 2014-07-29

Schmidt Offset Coupling 013.jpg
A device used in the printing industry. The model will run up to 2 1/2" out of line, also in two directions. It is basically a posh type of universal joint. Please note t...

In album 'Bob Duck', added 2014-07-29

Schmidt Offset Coupling, 2 of 2
Used in the printing industry. Video

In album 'Bob Duck', added 2014-07-29

Meccano Steam Engine (MEC1)
Close up of steam/pressure dome, water level plug and piston/cylinder assembly. MEC1 Meccano steam engine circa 1965-1976. Made by Mamod for Meccano. Photo' originally ta...

In TMS's album 'Meccano & Mamod Steam Engines/Models', added 2014-08-02

1925 Brough Superior SS100 - Terry Allen
The SS100 was powered by a J.A.P. 980cc twin cylinder engine and fitted with Brough's patented "Castle" forks.
The model incorporates a three speed gear-box with the...

In Malcolm Hanson's album 'Henley 2004 photos taken by Malcolm Hanson', added 2014-10-12

01-rare and minty MME sets
Note how bright the illustrated tin 's printing is!

In Greg Rahn's album 'Rare and minty MME sets-Ebay Oct 2014', added 2014-10-16

Jack & Johnny
Jack Parsisson taught Johnny how to make Meccano using stamping and pressing machines. Then Johnny got to fill a bag full of the real stuff. ☺

In Rob Thompson's album 'Misc', added 2014-10-23

Model 5.01 Power Press
Note use of Large Driving Band rather than Cord which does not work very well. 349 Parts Model Index 74.01

In nutsnbolts's album 'French Blue Gold Red Models 1962-1969', added 2014-11-14

Model 5.01 Power Press
Powered by a Power Drive Motor. Works well on 12 Volts and 3:1 reduction

In nutsnbolts's album 'French Blue Gold Red Models 1962-1969', added 2014-11-23

Meccano Sets Christmas 2014
Christmas pressie meccano sets from christmas 2014.

In TMS's album 'Sets/Outfits', added 2015-01-01

Main Station
This is the main station on the layout, formed of alluminium Hornbu Dublo buildings from the 1950's/early 1960's. On the right, alongside the main station building is pla...

In TMS's album 'Along Hornby Lines', added 2015-01-02

Travelling Post Office Set Down & Pick Up Point
This is just about the most fun accessory you can get in Hornby Dublo. Unlike the triang version, which was mechanical, this one is 12v DC or 15v AC powered. You press a ...

In TMS's album 'Along Hornby Lines', added 2015-01-02

A Simple Rod Straightener
With care this will help re-straighten distorted axle rods and it's simple to use: 1. Pass the rod through the reinforced plate flanges and the short coupling. 2. Adjus...

In Norman Peter Brown's album 'Workshop Aids', added 2015-01-12

44-gluing the corners of new tray
Again, I use the carton base where the new tray will ultimately live as a clamping aid. The vinyl sheet prevents glue escapes ruining the project! The shims are used to c...

In Greg Rahn's album '1938 outfit 9a- restoration of carton and set-spring 2014', added 2015-01-21

Circuit 24 Go-Kart set
Note the oil bottle still in its plastic bag. The rather nice manual is the later and much rarer UK printing of the Circuit 24 manual; identified by the yellow lower...

In NoirProfond2's album 'Circuit 24', added 2015-02-10

16-Box lid in a flattened state!
This lid was a little more fragile as the previous water damage made it thin in places and it also is completely covered with the blue illustrated label paper. Same steam...

In Greg Rahn's album 'Lamp panel box conservation-Feb 2015', added 2015-02-10

21-I found some modern staples....
These are about the right size and guage as the originals. They will work fine! They are pressed into the old locations and then bent and flatten with a set of needle nos...

In Greg Rahn's album 'Lamp panel box conservation-Feb 2015', added 2015-02-10

19-Base has been repaired and ready for next step
With the base flattened, straightened and now glued and tissue reinforced, it can now be reassembled like it was before. The old staples were beyond saving so we will pre...

In Greg Rahn's album 'Lamp panel box conservation-Feb 2015', added 2015-02-10

27-another view of the clamping and gluing
Both the base and the lid get glued in places where the material is just not "behaving" with just the staples. Water damage has made a mess in places! Clamps and elastic ...

In Greg Rahn's album 'Lamp panel box conservation-Feb 2015', added 2015-02-10

Torque limiting mechanism
This is an improved version of the torque limiting mechanism. The input is a pinion driving the 57 tooth gear, which is loose on the output shaft. A ratchet is fixed to t...

In David Couch's album 'The Chocolate Robot', added 2015-02-18

Top idlers
These were pressed down with two tension springs making the driving very hard. I removed the springs and trapping the frame arm with two fishplates such that the idlers j...

In arup's album 'Wool Winder', added 2015-02-23

Marble Bouncer, Ball in flight!
Note the position of the marble, this took quite a few attempts to achieve. It's more trial & error. You've got to press the shutter before the marble arrives! Try it and...

In album 'Bob Duck', added 2015-03-18

Meatballs 2015
Release device. Press down on long bolt, and short rod withdraws from connecting strip.

In John Wilson's album 'Meatballs 2015', added 2015-04-17

07-misc prewar sacks-standard size-16 grams
Next we have a set of again of standard size and weight but the printing is a very large font diagonally and color is back to dark blue .

In Greg Rahn's album 'Loaded Sack-prewar selection from collection', added 2015-06-10

06-misc prewar sacks-standard size-15 grams
Again, a selection from my collection that are slightly different. "Standard" size at 1.25" x 1.75" and in the middle f the pack as far as weight at 15 grams. They retain...

In Greg Rahn's album 'Loaded Sack-prewar selection from collection', added 2015-06-10

15-1933 instruction sheet for T20A transformer
This one is larger and is double sided. I scanned the English side. Click on bigger pic to get a large one for printing

In Greg Rahn's album '1932 Transformer-Meccano Ltd's 1st attempt v2.0', added 2015-06-24

Use of sliding 3D printed gear in gantry crane
Detail of 3D printed gear used in sliding contact with moving gantry. Printing the gear allows the creation of a square hole, which slides on a 4mm square shaft that runs...

In Ian Mordue's album 'Gantry crane', added 2015-08-15

Formation of printed gear.
In order to create a gear with a"double boss" it is necessary to provide support to the body of the gear during printing. In this case the printer lays down a fine suppor...

In Ian Mordue's album 'Gantry crane', added 2015-08-15

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