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Meccano GalleryUser galleriesKevin Clark1928 Outfit 6 (American)
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Fairly sure it's 1928  

Would love to hear from someone more knowledgable as to the provenance of this. I now believe it's around 1928 (thanks to Kendrick), certainly from Elizabeth, N.J. An Inventory is on the 'to-do' list.  

Fairly sure it
Image by Kevin Clark, viewed 559 times.
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kbisset      (at 6:00pm, Fri 7th Feb, 20)

My gallery is at image 62331; there is a parts list for the 1927 No. 6 outfit, with notes about the parts in my outfit. I did not have any 'stringing' cards; the card shown is a reproduction.

kbisset      (at 5:53pm, Fri 7th Feb, 20)

Kevin: Perhaps you might compare the 1927 No. 6 in my gallery.

Kevin Clark      (at 4:13pm, Fri 7th Feb, 20)

Kendrick, I do also notice that the No 6 Outfit from the same catalog has the tray that my example has. This fact and the inclusion of 3 Wheel cards leaves me feeling as though it may actually be a No 6 Outfit, your parts lists should help! Thanks again for that Kendrick.

Kevin Clark      (at 3:55pm, Fri 7th Feb, 20)

Kendrick, Based on all photos I've seen from the era, I have found that the 1927 Set 5, pictured in '1927 US Meccano Catalog pg. 14' most closely matches the largest Wheel Card in my example. I have yet to see an example or picture of a 1926 5 or 6 set. I will have a closer look at the faded lid marking as it may well be that it merely states '5' or '6'. A parts list of 1926 through 1928 sets 5 and 6 would be most helpful and we may, by deduction, determine the provenance that way. my email is listed in my profile, I look forward to your correspondence.

kbisset      (at 3:32pm, Fri 7th Feb, 20)

Hmmm... I posted a comment earlier this morning, but must have missed something. Anyway: The 'x' was used on the No. 5 in two periods, the first only on cardboard boxes. The second was in 1928, when 'x' was added to the larger outfits to show they had electric motors (they had such previously, even without the 'x'). Take a look at my price list at usmeccano dot com under outfits, then price list. [Just realized that web links may not be allowed here; my earlier post had this as a link.]

You may also want to look at the catalogs posted on usmeccano under paper. Most of the 1927, 1928, and 1929 catalogs are available; not posted are some of the advertising pages, but prices and illustrations of outfits are all present.

Looking at your picture, I do not see any 3/4" flanged wheels. These were added in 1928; eight in the No. 5 outfit.

It is interesting that both black and nickel 19b 3" pulleys are present. Four were included in outfits (none in only the 00!). It also looks like a clockwork motor is present; US outfits did not seem to have these at this time, I think.

US made strips (and derivative parts) were tin plated and unmarked. The tin plating has usually turned a dark gray. Some of the strips visible look very shiny or white, which makes me suspicious. If they are shiny silvery color, try comparing them to nickel parts (from a UK outfit). The tin, when new and shiny, has a cooler cast than nickel.

I can provide a contents list; US outfits differed from UK in... read more »

Kevin Clark      (at 12:58pm, Fri 7th Feb, 20)

Yes, I was ‘fishing’ a little for Kendrick’s comments on this (and you guys as well 😀) I am at work presently but will be home next week to add to the pictures and give a more detailed overview of the markings and contents. It was purchased from the eastern US (New York) and was from the larger auction of a wealthier family. I would say it had been stored unused for all these years other than the unwrapping at Christmas or whenever it was given. I have attempted to decipher the lid marking but cannot tell if it is a 5 or 6 but can see what appears to be an ‘X’ It does include the electric motor which would make sense.

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