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Schrauber_und_Sammler (Constructor and Collector) No. 19, Summer 2021  


The first model we show is an almost classic Märklin model, as the freight steamer was featured in the post-war manual for years.

When grandpa has various construction kits and builds something for the grandchildren to play with, simple but playable things come out.

The Wunderrad (wonderwheel) was a Märklin dealer's model intended for large toy shops. Some have survived, a replica is described here.

The bascule bridge is a Meccano model. Here a version in Märklin is described and it is shown that it is not always easy to make a copy in another system.

Robodog is a Meccano dog that moves in many ways.

To build a real railway crane from the Märklin gauge 1 kits requires some skills. Here it is presented together with a protection wagon and a covered freight wagon.

The „Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum“ in Hildesheim shows a metal construction kit exhibition. An impression of a knowledgeable visitor.

Urs Flammer presents four construction sets from his exotic drawers about which very little is known.

The large block-setting crane from Meccano could be built as a collector's item over two and a half years. Here is a subjective report.

In the „Erlebniswelt Toggenburg“ in Lichtensteig, Switzerland, there is an exhibition about metal building sets. Here we present a small selection of the exhibits.  

Image by Rob T2, viewed 944 times.
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Bernhard1936      (at 7:39pm, Fri 16th Jul, 21)

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