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Section 8 of XY Plotter Instructions

(Author: Peter Harwood)

The Arduino Sketch

 The complete X-Y Plotter Instructions are in the User Gallery in Peter Harwood 2.  These instructions are in the form of a pdf file. The Arduino sketch in the instructions becomes corrupted in the conversion process from a PDF to a text file, so here is the complete sketch as text.

Don't be put off by the size of it.  The whole thing is in sections that are described in the instructions!

8. The Arduino Sketch

X-Y Plotter Sketch by Peter Harwood 11/03/2020
Drives two stepper motors in precision
mode to plot an ellipse and 'MECCANO'.
Runs at two speeds selected by Digitalpin(12):
0v 100 points/sec
5v 30 points/sec
A point is ~.25mm
int S1count = 0; //Accumulated posn of Stepper 1
int S1posn = 0; //Incremental posn, one of eight w. Phase 1= posn 0
int S2count = 0; //Accumulated posn of Stepper 2
int S2posn = 0; //Incremental posn, one of eight w. Phase 1= posn 0
float currentX = 0;
float startX = 0;
float startY = 0;
int targetX = 0;
int targetY = 0;
float currentY = 0;

//Array giving start point of each stage
//Stage 0(line) 1(line) 2(ellipse) M E C C A N O 9(line) 10(line) 11(line)
float Xarray[13] = ;
float Yarray[13] = ;

int MXarray[32] = ;
int MYarray[32] = ;
int EXarray[39] = ;
int EYarray[39] = ;
int CXarray[51] = ;
int CYarray[51] = ;
int AXarray[37] = ;
int AYarray[37] = ;
int NXarray[33] = ;
int NYarray[33] = ;
int OXarray[52] = ;
int OYarray[52] = ;

float G = 0; //Gradient of line from (startX,startY) to targetX,targetY)
float Angle = 195; // Angle in ellipse, this is the start value
float k = 2 * 3.14 / 360; //Converts angle from degrees to radians
int Stage = 0; // The plot occurs in 12 stages
int Lstage = 0; // Stage 2, the ellipse, is a series of vectors using Lstage
float deltaY = 0;
int Xstep = 0;
int Ystep = 0;

void setup()

void loop()

if (Stage == 1) //Stage 1 goes to(36,211)


if (Stage == 2) // goes from and to (36,211)
//Calculate x and y for Angle 0-360 in degree steps


if (Stage == 3) //M. Stage 3 from(36,211) to (257,211))

//End of overall Stage
if (Lstage == 32)


if (Stage == 4) //E. Stage 4 from(257,211) to (364,208)

//End of overall Stage
if (Lstage == 40)


if (Stage == 5) //C. Stage 5 from (364,208) to (435,208)

//End of overall Stage
if (Lstage == 51)


if (Stage == 6) //C. Stage 6 from (435,208) to (465,211)

//End of overall Stage
if (Lstage == 52)


if (Stage == 7) //A. Stage 7 from (423,211) to (419,211)

//End of overall Stage
if (Lstage == 37)


if (Stage == 8) //N. Stage 8 from (554,211) to (664,208)

//End of overall Stage
if (Lstage == 35)


if (Stage == 9) //)O. Stage 9 from (664,208) to (664,208)

//End of overall Stage
if (Lstage == 52)


if (Stage == 10) //Stage 10 from (664,208) to(750,208)


if (Stage == 11) //Stage 11 from(750,208) to(750,0)


if (Stage == 12) //Stage 12 from(750,0) to(0,0)

currentX = (S2count - S1count) / 2;
currentY = (S1count + S2count) / 2;

Xstep = 0; // Sets initial condition
Ystep = 0;

//Determine path to take to next point. The start, current and
// target X and Y points are known when each point is calculated.
// This procedure works out the straight line between the start
//and target points and decides which X and Y steps to take to
// stay on the line.

// Compute distance deltaY in Y direction from current posn. to Start-Target line. (G is float)

if ((targetX - startX) != 0) //Slope not vertical


if ((targetX - startX) == 0) //Slope vertical

Serial.print(" deltaY = ");
Serial.print(" Xstep = ");
Serial.print(" Ystep = ");
Serial.print(" currentX = ");
Serial.print(" currentY = ");
Serial.print(" G = ");
Serial.print(" startX = ");
Serial.print(" startY = ");
Serial.print(" targetX = ");
Serial.print(" targetY = ");
Serial.print(" Angle = ");

//Update count
S1count = S1count - Xstep + Ystep;
S2count = S2count + Xstep + Ystep;

//Establish updated posn from eight
S1posn = S1count % 8; // Gives 0 to 7 and -7 to 0
if (S1posn < 0) S1posn = 8 + S1posn;
S2posn = S2count % 8;
if (S2posn < 0) S2posn = 8 + S2posn;

//Set posn of stepper motor 1 from 0 - 7
if (S1posn == 0)

else if (S1posn == 1)

else if (S1posn == 2)

else if (S1posn == 3)

else if (S1posn == 4)

else if (S1posn == 5)

else if (S1posn == 6)

else if (S1posn == 7)

//Set posn of stepper motor 2 from 0 - 7
if (S2posn == 0)

else if (S2posn == 1)

else if (S2posn == 2)

else if (S2posn == 3)

else if (S2posn == 4)

else if (S2posn == 5)

else if (S2posn == 6)

else if (S2posn == 7)

if (digitalRead(12) == 1) delay(30);
else delay(10);


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